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 Stricter Admins Rules

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ElementNet Founder
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Stricter Admins Rules Empty
PostSubject: Stricter Admins Rules   Stricter Admins Rules EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 11:31 am

When lookign through the logs i noticed lot server setting changes lot people using noclip and other things
so from now going add new rules

1. Dont mess with any settings on dark rp (these are all made perfect) no need to change.

2. Dont noclip into other peoples bases (makes it unfair)

3. Admins need to know the rules of dark rp and enforce them.

4. before banning anyone inform me or doubleedge first.

5. your only allowed to spawn items for building no weapons,entities,vechiles unless from f4 menu

i will be checking the logs everyday for the next week and if caught you only get 2 chances!
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Server Admins
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Stricter Admins Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stricter Admins Rules   Stricter Admins Rules EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 11:40 am

Soz for messing with the settings i apologise for that

Also i saw some ppl spawning weps (including me soz) for ppl from spawn menu
Now i read those rules i wont do it again

Thx for telling,
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ElementNet Founder
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Stricter Admins Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stricter Admins Rules   Stricter Admins Rules EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 4:04 pm

Well just don't do it again, you didn't know before so it's okay, we're just making it crystal clear to admins.
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PostSubject: Re: Stricter Admins Rules   Stricter Admins Rules Empty

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